161 words
1 minutes
Here's a Minute - the Launch

Yes, I have friends :)

In the Coming Weeks#

Expect some fun (ok, maybe fun is debatable) facts about Edgar Allan Poe, a new soundtrack, and even more cool stuff as we write the night away.

Why this?#

Vian wanted to create a little hub with writing prompts, and I’ve been wanting to do a podcast since last year. We both worked out the kinks, wrote a few episodes in advance (we have enough material to go through January), and here we are.

Vian’s the leader of our little club, and we both see how chaotic these prompts can get. But that’s what makes it more fun!

Ok, so what exactly is this?#

Oh - I never explained! Basically, we release an episode every week with a writing prompt and some fun facts. Write your heart out - and eventually, I’ll make a little hub so you can share your response to the world, no matter how strange it is.

Cool! Where do I listen?#

Wherever you get your podcasts!